Monday, May 9, 2016

A Letter from the President

By Leslie Foster

Some of us have been thinking a lot about what happens when you “put things out in the universe” that you really, really want, and yet aren’t quite sure are going to happen.  This has been the case with adding new people to our Board of Directors. 

We bring new board members on twice a year and like every nonprofit, we work hard to find the right people and the right fit.  We want people who are passionate about our mission, who offer a diversity of skills, and who have access to a wide variety of communities. We need people with time and energy, and people who are interested in programs and advocacy, as well as some who are interested in by-laws, policies, and finances. Putting together a great Board is a challenge and it’s also critical to being a high functioning organization.

A few years ago we developed a new system that has been working well. Our dream was that one day we would have more candidates than openings and we would be choosing the best from the best.  Seems like this round, we got our wish -  we are interviewing nearly twice as many people as we have openings!  And, the people themselves are amazing! Every person offers personality we love, and the highest commitment to our mission. Some are new to Denver and some are long-time residents. We have current volunteers and people who are new to the organization. Professors, lawyers, nonprofit activists, and interested citizens are applying to be part of our board team.
Choosing the right people and the right mix is one of the best challenges we’ve had at The Gathering Place. There is little work that is more important or more rewarding than creating and then maintaining a diverse, inclusive, and committed team. A few years ago we “put it out to the universe” and great people came our way.  Call me a believer!

So speaking of putting it out to the universe…we do still have some needs!  So how about it?  Can you meet one or more of these needs?  If so, contact us!
  • Runners, sponsors, ambassadors, and people who will donate to the Colfax Marathon!  Contact to find out how to get involved!
  • Interested in helping with meals? We need some reliable volunteers to assist with prep, cleaning and cooking duties. Meal sponsorships are also welcome.  Contact
  •  We could really use some full-size toiletry items, such as shampoo, conditioner, lotion, deodorant, and tooth paste.  With families, especially, it’s nice to offer one big bottle rather than handing over handfuls of the travel size. Bring these items by any time!
  •  Monthly givers! Check it out at  This is so easy!  Put your information in once and watch your gift recur every month.  Need more information before your commit? Contact
  • This summer we’ll be seeing school age kids at TGP!  Donations of tickets and passes to museums, and other attractions are needed!  We’d love to send a family to a movie matinee, or how about a trip to the zoo? Also, do you have a special talent to share? Our summer camp is looking for people who are willing to share their skills and talents for a few hours or on a regular basis.  Contact

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Master Chef: Kitchen Class

By, Jason Medrano, Food Programs Manager

Summertime is our busiest time of year at The Gathering Place.  With that said, more helping hands are needed and welcomed to help with the increased volume of people. At TGP we have a chore point system in which members get chore points in return for helping out. Chores include clean up in the kitchen, washing windows, or taking out trash. Three times a week we have a “chore cart” where members can cash in their points for small gifts and perfumes.

Along those lines the kitchen at TGP will be creating “Kitchen Class” or “KC” points for the summer. Anytime a member does a kitchen chore during summer they will have the choice to take regular chore points or KC chore points. If the member collects enough KC points they are eligible to sign up for a cooking class that will be held in the TGP kitchen the end of June. This is a good way to motivate members to give a helping hand more in the kitchen and in return they will receive a culinary experience and education they may not receive otherwise.The class will consist of 2-3 course meal that they will help prep and serve. Religious preferences and food allergies will be taken into consideration when planning the meal. Sign up is limited so the class will fill up. To help balance that out, the point requirement for the class will be substantially higher than anything on the chore cart. June will be the trial run on this new program so we anticipate learning how to improve the class experience.

The TGP kitchen staff is looking forward to being able to spread it’s culinary wings and at the same time give the TGP members an experience that they will surely enjoy. Bon Appetit!